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Operational Structure

 maintains a number of standing committees that are oriented toward overseeing the operational elements of the association to ensure it continues to function in complete accord with its overarching mission, objective, and strategy.

Audit Committee | Chair - Gene Shawcroft, Vice Chair - Vacant

Provides for an annual independent audit or review of the financial records of the association and the financial records of the special purpose caucuses to the degree prescribed by the bylaws.

Awards and Recognition Committee | Chair - Kathy Kitzman,  Vice Chair Carly Burton

Provides for awards and recognition for accomplishments and milestones of members and other individuals and organizations committed to the association's goals.

Budget and Finance Committee | Chair - Clay Scott, Vice Chair - Vacant

Assists in preparation of annual budgets and oversees financial operations. 

Bylaws Committee | Chair - Wade Noble, Vice Chair - Meghan Scott

Provides at least a decennial review of the bylaws to ensure they remain consistent with the will of the membership, and legal requirements.

Executive Committee | Chair - Craig Simpson, Vice Chair - Clay Scott

Exercises those powers necessary to promote the objectives of the association and performs other duties and assumes other responsibilities as are delegated to it by the Board.

Membership and Dues Committee | Chair - Craig Simpson, Vice Chair - Paul Arrington

Reviews and recommends membership structure updates to the Board, and in consultation with the Budget and Finance Committee, makes dues and assessment recommendations to the board.

Nominations Committee | Chair - Christine Arbogast, Vice Chair - Vacant

Considers candidate qualifications and makes nominations for association officers that will stand for election at each Annual Organization Meeting of the Board of Directors.

Program and Meetings Committee | Chair - Carly  Burton, Vice Chair - Paul Arrington

Considers and makes programming recommendations for the association's yearly Policy Conference, Western Water Seminar, and Annual Conference and Leadership Forum, and makes recommendations for special events that may be timely or necessary.

Public Affairs Committee | Chair - Vacant, Vice Chair - Vacant

Develops and implements an annual public relations and communications plan for the association, and develops and implements public relations and communications training as necessary.

Strategic Planning Committee | Chair - Vacant, Vice Chair - Vacant

Evaluates the interests and needs of the membership, thereafter developing and implementing a five-year strategic plans as approved by the board.

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