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Join NWRA Today!

Are you interested in becoming part of a vibrant community that is committed to shaping the future of water resources? NWRA offers opportunities for organizations and individuals from across the nation to collaborate, network, and engage with others passionate about water management and policy.

NWRA is a nonprofit organization of state and regional water resources associations, agricultural and municipal water agencies, hydropower entities, and other interested entities and individuals that together are supporting communities large and small, our economy, and our environment.

Membership is open to anyone committed to advancing Western water solutions, and we welcome participation from individuals in all states. Whether you're part of an established state association or seeking to connect as an individual member, NWRA  has a place for you.

If you're in a state currently not represented by a member association, we are here to help you navigate the process and join our growing community. Individual memberships are an excellent way to stay informed, advocate for water resources, and contribute to the strength of NWRA's collective voice.

Benefits of membership include: Access to federal policy and regulatory updates, access to updates on legal cases impacting the water community, access to NWRA members-only briefings, reduced rates for NWRA events and networking opportunities, and a weekly newsletter keeping you up to date on everything going in Washington, DC and at NWRA

So, if you are ready to make a difference, act now to become part of the movement driving Wester water resources innovation and advocacy at the National level. Simply click the "NEXT" button in the lower right corner of your screen to join the NWRA movement today!

Questions? Contact us at or 202-698-0693.

    Independent Member - $3,000.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st No automatically recurring payments

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